Friday, November 23, 2007

Surgery Done

Just finished up and met with Dr. Hicks.  He said it was tougher than expected, as the hole in the diaphragm was larger than expected.  This meant that he had little tissue to work with in attaching the patch to repair the hole (a problem could develop here long term wise as he grows).

Everything has been put in its place, except for the heart.  Because of the placement of the aorta he only moved it slightly, letting the body do the rest as it shifts over (not an item to be concerned on).  He did find development of a left lung a 1/3 of the normal size.  The lung does have upper and lower lobe development.  It's functionalty will not be known for some time.

The risks right now are bleeding, infection, and pulmonary hypertension.  Contact is now being limited to only Becky and I as they will leave his abdomen open so that it can stretch to fit everything inside of it.  They have a patch over it to help with drainage.  We hope to see him soon and will report back as soon as we can.


Anonymous said...

God Bless you all and the many prayers continue.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it went as well as it did. Thanks for the updates- have been watching for them from home. I am working tomorrow (11a)- let me know if you need anything...
Ami Gollihar 469-235-1092