Monday, November 12, 2007

Early Video From NICU

This was a quick video I was able to snap while his tubes and lines were put in. Shortly after this Becky was able to spend a few minutes with him prior to him being transfered to Children's Medical Center.

Becky is resting fine. She is tired from the 22 hours they worked on her for her inducement. She is in Parkland tonight. We meet with her Doctor in the morning to see if she will be released on Monday.

Johnathon is stable at Children's. I will know more in the morning and will post an update as soon as I can.

I'm off to get some sleep. Thank you to everyone who was with use for the past 22 hours. Thank you to those who were watching online. Thank you to those who sent emails and messages. Thank you to the Hospital staff at Parkland for helping Becky and making Johnathon's transfer to be a smooth one. Thank you to Children's for sending the transport team. Thank you to the Children's ICU staff for coming to help get Johnathon and for taking care of him while we could not be there. Thank you for all of the prayers. Thank you God for watching over it all.


Anonymous said...

Sooo happy to see the picture of Mr. Johnathon - how precious. My thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you and Becky. Thank you for keeping us all updated. We missed you out there Saturday.


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Johnathon! Welcome.
Lots of your friends and family have been praying and waiting for you to arrive. I hope you continue to thrive and celebrate many many birthdays.
Blessings and prayers to you and mom and dad.
Grandma Leigh's long time childhood girl friend.

Anonymous said...

Welcome baby JJ. Praise God!!