Sunday, November 25, 2007


Not been a good day.  We are battling a deflated lung that is only halfway inflated.  Johnathon's blood pressure is low and he has a lovely tomato color.  They believe both are problems from the flolan medication that he is receiving for his hypertension.

They are reducing his flolan and some other pain medication to get his blood pressure up.  They did a bronchoscopy to find the cause of his lung issue.  Dr. Copenhaver found 3-4 mucus plugs that were blocking the upper lobe and removed them.  On our recent x-ray the upper lobe was finally starting to show some oxygen was starting to infiltrate it.  A respiratory therapist has been working with him to contine to move the mucus and open the lung.

Once the lung opens up we will start to come off ecmo.  Until then we are waiting.  It is quite frustrating at this point as the longer we are on ecmo the tougher things get. The risk for bleeding is still so high I am afraid to even think about it.  Please pray that we will be able to get off of ecmo in the morning.


Ami G said...

Breathe in, breathe out, lead by example and remind him to follow your lead.
All of you are always in my prayers-
I will see you tomorrow (working 11a)

Anonymous said...

Praying for you all - keep up the faith. we are all behind you.
