Monday, November 19, 2007

The Circuit

In ecmo speak it is known as the circuit.  To you and me its everything (filter, oxygenator, tubes, pump, and the kitchen sink).  When this starts to fail it can go fast.  With the amount of clots ours is showing and the other concerns with its performance a decision is being considered to change it all out to the backup circuit (turning everything off and starting with a new one).

The change out is a 90 second session of controled chaos as one system is primed and readied as another is turned off.  If you ever have the chance to see this occur you would gain great apprecation for the ecmo techs who do this.

For the parents and all others waiting on the change out it is 90 seconds of terror filled with what if's and hopefully's.  As we prepare to make the wait for this to begin our nerves go crazy for the anticipation.

Johnathon may soon have this procedue performed and we hope to report that all went well and that no what if's have occurred.  On a positive note his new pain medicine showed some positive signs and he slept well through the night.  Currently his stats are in a very good range so it is better that a ecmo circuit change out occurs now than if his numbers were down. 

To the ecmo techs I pray that your hands are swift and that everything goes well.  I know this critical moment is one that you step up your performance for and I appreciate that.

We are waiting on the Doctor's to make their final assessment of the situation and to let us know when the change out will occur.   I will keep you updated as soon as I know more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Curious minds want to know... is there a set number of units of blood the ECMO takes per day? (that is when the machine isn't acting up) Just wondering... the info so far has been so good (very well explained) that it leaves me thinking of more questions.

JJ looked so good when I peeked in on Sunday- even cuter than his debut film.

Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers and sending you all the good karma I can...
Ami Gollihar