Wednesday, March 12, 2008

In Memory of Dustin

I learned today that the son of Ina (a close co-worker of mine) was killed in Iraq. He was 21 years old serving in the Army as a soldier when he died serving our country.

My heart goes out to you Ina for your loss. I know this is the hardest thing you will ever have to go through. The loss of a child is hard to bear and I do not understand why it has to happen. Hearing of this has opened fresh wounds of hurt. I wish this upon no one to lose their only son. I know God works in many different ways and I know we do not know his plan for us. The grief for you goes deeper then I can explain. People ask me how I am doing and how I handle what has happened. This is what I will tell you. Each day is hard to wake up in the morning not seeing your son’s face and not being able to hold him in your arms. Each week you feel like it is all a dream and that you will wake up and it all never happened. Each month his memory grows stronger in your heart to where you know no matter what happens he is always with you where ever you go. Our boys are together in a better place and I know one day we will see them again.

Johnathon, mommy does miss you very much and you have shown me how to be a better person and nurse. You have given me a gift of compassion towards the families I care for and the understanding of how I need to live my life. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and you will never be replaced in my heart. You are my Angle that goes with me on my day by day adventures of life and I know I will hold you again in my arms. Thank you for making me a better person and showing me how true unconditional love feels.

Stephen thank you for all that you have done for me over the past few months. I know I have been a bit not myself. I thank God every day for you and the love you show me. You are the best thing to come into my life and help open my eyes to the world. I love you for that.

Please everyone let’s keep my friend Ina in your prayers as she goes through this hard time. I will keep everyone posted on how she is doing. Please pray for Luke as he is due home from Iraq next month and for all of the other men and women serving over there to keep them safe.

Thank you to everyone who reads this blog, you all are the best support during this time and Stephen and myself love hearing from you all.

-Living life day by day, with my eyes open, no longer closed. Love, Becky

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