Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Calling All Hands

Are you able bodied? Do you know what a hammer is? Do you know how to work a tape measure? If this is you then I have a project for you. If this is not you, I still have a project for you. Becky and I will be remodeling the nursery at the church this weekend. We are doing this in honor of Johnathon as he would have spent time here on Sundays if he had the chance. We know that he would like a nice room to hang out in with his friends, and so we are going to nursery the nursery. Yes I will take before and after pictures for everyone to see, but I would really like if you have some free time a hand in getting this project done. I have set a lofty goal of getting it done in a short period of time. Nothing that will be done has not already been easily done on one of those TLC shows where they remake a room on the weekend.

I will start with some minor things on Thurs and move to more major stuff on Friday. However the most important (time consuming) items will be done on Saturday. This is when I will need help. This will also be the day of finishing touches. If you have any eye for decorativeness this will definitely be your cup of tea. If you can come help (even if its just for 30 minutes), please contact Becky or I this week and let us know. I think everyone will appreciate what the nursery will look like when we get done.

On the hockey side the playoffs finished up last week with the Komets losing a close one at 3 - 2. I unfortunately did not play for the Grave Diggers do to a previous commitment, but they did get their second win of the season at 3 - 2. Way to go guys! Next season I will try to reduce my number of games on the Grave Diggers in half. I started to notice a lot of creaks and cracks in my system from all of the wear and tear, so I am going to shorten my schedule to prevent any major injuries (plus vacation time will cut in on some of my playing time as well).

We had a hockey party on Friday night. What a party it was, it took me all weekend to recover. It went something like this . . . Meet at Scott's house for pre-game warm-up, meet Mike at my house for pre-game drive. Go to the arena and meet with some "Ice Girls" for autographs (for someone with a cold name they are hot http://stars.nhl.com/team/app/?service=page&page=NHLPage&id=8481). Party with Patty and the kids. Dustin and Rebecca showed up and now the party is getting started. Aunt Mozel arrived with Dorothy and Spud. This was followed by Warren, Laura, WC, and Mary Bob showing up. Now the party was in full strength. Midway through the Stars are tied. Where is Brenda and Monty? What? How? Well we found Brenda and Monty sitting in the Platinum Club section. Time to disown them for getting the free upgrade! Now the party has really kicked the highest gear as Emily and her friend arrived. By the way its $1 hot dog night!! Oh no the Stars lose. Well so much for the game, time for the after party. Me, Becky, Mike, Scott, Emily and her friend all end up at Dick's Last Resort. By this time I realized it was our last resort, just as that wadded up piece of paper hits me in the head and the paper fight was on. Several paper throws later and we are out of there. What a night, but it does not end as Becky has a flat tire and I must change it. Finally in bed, but unable to sleep. I can't wait for Mike's pictures from the party. It's safe to say this party had all of the elements of being . . . wait for it . . . LEGENDARY! Yes I will be post the pictures!

On March 29th my parents came up and we drove over to the cemetery to see Johnathon's new memorial marker. It came out great. We then drove over to visit where Christine was resting. I had not been their in over 8 years. (For those not familiar Christine is my sister who passed away after birth due to complications of being premature). I though I might share pictures of Johnathon's marker along with his Aunt's as I am sure they are playing together right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chilly - can I donate money? I am not available Saturday, but would be more then happy to donate money to the cause. Much love to you and Becky.
