Monday, April 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Supergirl!

I thought I would take this opportunity to welcome a new member to the 30 club. The first teammate I met when I started playing hockey was Mel aka "Supergirl". When I heard that she was approaching her 30th I knew it was time to have some fun. Don't let the picture fool you, Supergirl may look small but she fights like a spider monkey. I once saw her take a guy down to the floor, of course Becky was hanging onto his other leg. I knew they had him in pain as tears started to form in his eyes (of course that may have been because no one had a web cam handy to video him being attacked by two hot girls, sorry Bryan).

Supergirl has always been a great team leader on and off the ice. This summer she is getting all of the girls together to go to the beach. That's a party that I am sure will have some great stories. (Pictures of MTV Spring Break dances in my head as I think of what that party will be like). Mel has done and accomplished so much in her first 30 years. Mel I raise my glass and salute you, I think the next 30 are going to be your best ever. Don't forget a certain someone who sounds like ecky but starts with a B will be joining you in the club very soon.

Happy Birthday!

Love Ya,
Chilly and Becky

(Note to self keep web cam handy whenever you are hanging out with Becky and Supergirl.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Chilly - you and Becky mean the world to me :)

Much Love.
