Saturday, May 23, 2009

Almost Here!!!

The time for us to sail on our cruise is almost here. We all packed and now are forcing ourselves to go to bed. Being so giddy with excitement, I do not know how we will sleep. We have had such a long day of packing and preparing everything for our departure. We even played in a hockey game tonight. Mom and Dad asked one favor of us, "do not get hurt playing hockey". Well we escaped bruised (Becky's arm from a puck) and battered (my tender groin being agitated again). Otherwise we will look good as we limp into formal night pictures with a pretty black and blue mark on Becky's arm.

I am looking forward to finally getting away and visiting such unique places and cultures. I hope to be able to blog on some of the experiences we have but please remember the Internet is slow on the boat and must be bought by the minute. Plus who can be daunted with such a long period of being on the computer when you can be living it up in a conga line. My goal is to win the longest drive contest on the boat.

Quick updates Becky's Dad had a tumor removed from his neck on Wed. All tests came back that it was benign. He is home recovering with a smiley face incision on his neck. (If you didn't know him you would have thought he tried to off his self by the looks of the incision.) My Mom will have some work done on her elbow and wrist when we get back. I guess old age is starting to catch up to her. (Mom don't worry I will get you a turbo charged walker one day, then you can use it to beat Dad over the head to keep him in line.) Please keep Becky's Dad, my Mom, my Dad, Becky, and I in your prayers. We hope to have a fun and safe vacation and will chat with you upon our return. Now where did I put that hammer to knock me out so I can get some sleep?

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