Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Wonder Woman and Birthdays

Well February always proves to be an eventful month as we celebrate Valentine's Day and my Birthday. I will back up a few weeks to Valentine's Day to tell you of all the fun and excitement we had.

For Valentine's Day this year Becky and I really did not want anything (though we did give each other some small trinket gifts to let the other know we had not forgotten). Becky decided that she wanted to give me a really big gift. The hockey rink had no games scheduled on Saturday the 14th to avoid the possible fight it could provide with spouses and girlfriends. Instead of having wasted open ice they allowed teams to be part of an open hockey session. Becky feeling brave and sassy decided that she would participate in this practice session.

So off we go showing up at the rink with our gear in hand. Becky started getting second thoughts when she saw some of the skaters on the ice, but she still went ahead with getting dressed. I figured once I got her to the bench our friend Supergirl would be able to get her on the ice. Unfortunately Becky forgot her jersey so I had to give her my extra one (yes it looked like a dress on her and if it was not for the hockey gloves she would have looked like a ghost with no hands). This left one problem as I did not have my extra black jersey, so she and I would have to be on opposite teams.

When we got to the bench Becky decided to sit and watch and try to figure out what she got herself into. It was at this time that Supergirl swooped in and joined her on the bench. After some coaching Becky took the jump. This led to her transformation from the sweet Becky we know to Wonder Woman. That's right she quickly became a force to recon with on the ice as she collected a pass from Supergirl and then skated with it until she passed it off to Chim Chim (the monkey from Speed Racer, aka Coach of the Grave Diggers). It made for a super play as I sat proudly on the bench cheering her on.

After her debut it has many people asking what's next for Wonder Woman? Does she go back to her normal life, venture into crime fighting, or secretly wait planning her next hockey moment? Stay tuned to find out.

Becky in pink gloves next to Supergirl.

As for my birthday I spent a wonderful day of relaxation followed by spending some time with Charles, Melody, Mel, and Becky. It was such a wonderful evening as we went to Twin Peaks for dinner. The next day I was treated to special seats at the Stars game (too bad they lost, but the up close action was wonderful) and a wonderful game with the Grave Diggers.

The Grave Diggers played against my other team The Silverwings. I played center for the Grave Diggers and enjoyed a wonderful game. I started off strong and then found my weakness, my stamina (yeah go ahead with the old age jokes). I was glad to see this as it gives me something to strive for to improve before my next game. So if you see me working out extra hard this weak its because yes I am trying to turn back time and bring my youth back (or bring sexy back either way I win).

Thanks to everyone for the gifts and gestures for my birthday. I appreciate all that you have done for me and I look forward to returning the same someday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HE HE HE HE - I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!

Wonder Woman and Super Girl - Next session on the Grave Diggers...

Love ya guys.