Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How did we get here . . .

Well how adventurous the last weeks have been. We had a very wonderful birthday party for Johnathon on Sunday (11/9). On his actual birthday (11/11) Becky was able to have a small blood drive in his honor, we had dinner with one our closest friends, and I shadowed a Physician Assistant at my Doctors office. To end the day we came to find our "messaging tree" (the one we used to broadcast a boy or girl when we first found out) covered in blue ribbons with blue cards wishing us messages of hope and joy from our neighborhood friends. It really capped off what was a long day. If you were unable to make it above are pictures from the cemetery on Sunday and of the messaging tree.

"And now the rest of the story . . ." On 11/8 I enjoyed my first games back in hockey. I had 8 shots on goal and delivered a quick shot with hard skating. This left many of my teammates stating that I looked like I had not missed a beat. On the night of 11/9 I basically ended my hockey season. During our softball game I left my comfortable coaching position to partake in the play when a fellow teammate went down. In my one and only at bat I beat out an infield hit. After moving to third while jogging home I felt a twinge and something slide across the back of my leg. Instantly I knew this was not good and I began to keep moving and stretching as I could feel my leg seize up and I was not going to let this happen. The game ended shortly after this when Becky scored the final blowout run (please note Becky needs practice on sliding or else she is going to keep ending up severely bruised). Upon reaching home the leg locked up and I began icing it. After a couple of days Becky and I thought I was out of the woods as the swelling was minimal but no bruising had occurred. On 11/12 the bruising showed in a big way, covering half of the back of my leg.

After visiting the Doctor he diagnosed it as a grade 2 hamstring sprain (partially torn with active bleeding). So here I am back in physical therapy with little hope of returning back to hockey soon. Today I made the decision that I would return back to the ice for one more go at it on 12/6. Whether I make it for one game or one shift, my son taught me one key thing about life. No matter what you do keep trying. Being that this was the day he passed away I know he would want me to push hard. I am requesting any prayers of healing you can offer to send my way. I greatly appreciate this as my return to the ice not only signifies strength and perseverance but also my understanding that life must go one. Johnathon offered us a great chance to live the life of being child rearing parents. Though it was only a small taste, it was one that filled me with a lifetime of memories.

Thanksgiving will soon be upon us. Just like the title of the holiday Becky and I have much to be thankful for. We will be hosting a thanksgiving dinner get together with some of our closest friends and family members at our house this year. I hope to post a list of all of the things I am thankful for in the upcoming week. Till then stay safe, stay strong, and enjoy the life that we have (we only live once).

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