Sunday, July 29, 2007

Mixed Bag

Reading the many comments and emails has brought Becky and I renewed strength.

Today we attended the local neighborhood church that we have attended on infrequent occassion's. Today's sermon had a message that struck our heart directly on the events that are effecting us. The sermon discussed the Counsel we seek in our daily life. It talked of the importance of seeking professional counsel (Doctors), supportive counsel (friends & family), experienced counsel (Stephen's Mom), and spiritual counsel (Pastor Eddie Adams). After church we sat down with Pastor Eddie and informed him of the situation that has been put before us. We asked him if he would be our spiritual counsel no matter what the outcome is for us. Eddie made both Becky and I feel a stronger bond in our faith with the words of wisdom that he offered. His parting words to us will forever makes us laugh as he said enjoy the remaining time period that you have for you will never get this opportunity again with JJ, "so take him to Six Flags and do things with him". I don't foresee us going to Six Flags but I know that we will try to do some more memorable things than staying at home.

My playing hockey has led to an avenue when so many of our friends and family members can escape and have a great time. Our most recent game, even though we lost 3-2 proved this point as for hours after the game we all shared so much time and joy away from our daily lives. I have vowed to continue to play as long as it brings us these getaway moments.

It has been tough as Becky has already informed me of what she would expect for a funeral for JJ, while at the same time working on setting up JJ's room. I admire her for how she is handling everything. Since Becky works in a pediatric hospital she knows all too well what medically is ahead of us. I know she does not share all of this with me, but I have tried to relax her fears. My Mom once told me one of the hardest things she ever faced in raising me and my brother was separating between being a nurse and being a Mom. I keep reminding Becky that right now she needs to be the Mom and let the nurse step aside.

Knowing that we have all 4 of our pieces of Counsel in place has allowed Becky and I to feel more comfortable in our roles that we must occupy. We may never understand in this lifetime why God has brought this upon us, however it is the way we handle this that may help someone else.


Anonymous said...

I can not even begin to know your's and Becky's thoughts, but I know you both are extremely special people who love each other dearly and will support each other during this time.
I will give JJ my prayers everday and I will be there is you guys need anything.

Anonymous said...

Hi neighbors,

I just wanted you to know that you are in my prayers. I believe everything happens for a reason. I also believe in prayer. I pray God's will in your life and in JJ's life. I can't imagine what you are going through.
If you need anything just call.

Remember, with God, all things are possible!

Anonymous said...

Becky, Thanks so much to you and your husband for sharing your story. A baby is a miracle... he is your son and you are already deeply in love with him. I can only imagine the mixed emotions you are feeling. I am praying for you and your son as you and JJ continue to grow. The MRI is an amazing, beautiful picture of JJ.
Thanks again for sharing.
Love, Kat

Julie Thompson said...

Becky and Stephen,
You and JJ are in our thoughts and prayers as you continue to nurture the life inside you. We can not begin to imagine the difficult time you are going through. Please know that we are here for you and your family remains in not only our prayers, but those of our families.
love, The Thompsons

Anonymous said...

Becky, Please know that you, your husband, and little JJ will be in my thoughts and prayers as you face so many difficult decisions ahead. The MRI picture is incredible- such a big boy already! Thank you both for sharing your story.
Hugs and prayers, Kim M.