Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Best Month Ever . . .

It's official I am cleared to resume my hockey play. The strength is there in my shoulder that I can take hits and dish them out. My slap shot is still lacking, but I will use the next 2 weeks to get some power into it. My legs are stronger than ever as I have spent the last month doing heavy leg exercises. I had the luxury of trying out my running speed around the base paths in the softball game sunday. Which by the way was the first win for the Komodo Dragons. My coaching record is now starting to look better with a win in it. Becky is starting to show she has real skills as a catcher. If you don't believe me just ask her and she will show you the bruises. Michelle is now moving in with us on the weekends. Which only made sense since she is around every weekend as it is. Hockey is in full gear, but I am staying away because of my brothers wedding.

Becky is loving her new job . . . uh let me rephrase that looooovingg her new job! Though it can be stressful, it is a stress that she enjoys and that challenges her. Some of her former Children's co-workers have even come to work for her. My classes are going well, though studying genetics makes me just look at my family alot closer (boy do we have some odd ball genes). Looking forward to the class being over with and starting some Christmas vacation. Mel and Bobby are talking about a ski trip and looks like we might head out to Ruidoso once school is out. Becky's graduation is December 11th. So I think we will ski as a celebration after that.

Well I must be off. Before I go I do need a great big favor from everyone. This week has not been all cherry's. Unfortunately last week our friends Christine and Spencer had the fright of their lives when they found out that Christine's mom had fallen down the stairs with their 4 month old daughter. Madison received a big goose egg on her head and is doing well, but is still recovering from the accident. We also learned that Dustin's mom is sick with terminal cancer and that he and his family are dealing with the expected loss of his mother. Finally Mel has to have some medical testing done that the prognosis has multiple conclusions (some good and some bad). I ask that you keep each and every one of these people and their families in your prayers. With all of the joy that we have at the end of the year no more sadness should exist. I know with everything that occurred last year I am ready for something good to occur (whether that be a mirale or just some plain old positive news).

Please be on the lookout as I will be posting an update shortly regarding a birthday pary for Johnathon.

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