Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Keeping the Streak Alive!!!!

Sorry for the delay. Bad Blogger, bad bad Blogger. Bring in the nun with the ruler and let her slap me on the back of the hand. Fortunately I have never had that experience, however I cannot speak for all of my relatives. Well I have been overly busy studying for my final exams, watching the Stars win in the playoffs, working, being the Home Owners Association President, and playing hockey. After all of this I am proud to say I have kept my streak alive of getting A's on my studies. I just finished both my psychology and microbiology courses with a perfect 4.0 GPA. Now my next endeavor is to CRUISE!! That's right it's cruise time. Becky and I are packing to sail away with my Parents and her Grandparents on a fun filled Alaskan vacation. (Please no more requests to bring home magnets. They have weight limits with fines on the airplanes now.)

Here is a recap of what has happened since I have last blogged.

*We all cried and rejoiced at the naming of "Johnathon's Place" for the nursery at Calvary Baptist Church. A wonderful plaque was presented to us with a picture of Johnathon on it that will soon be hung in the church hallway. This meant so much to Becky and I. It has brought an inner peace to me and makes me feel good to know that his memory will be something I can see every Sunday when I share moments with my church family.

*Becky finished her class ahead of me and attempted to rub it in by kicking her heals up and watching TV. (No fair!)

*The Dallas Stars keep winning in the playoffs and I keep watching the games at home (because of exams the night of the games or having to study the night before). I will not be able to attend the next round because of my vacation. I have been forced to sell my tickets to my friends. (NO fair!! Except for my friends.)

*The Grave Diggers hockey team won their first game of the new season. (Way fair!)

*The Komet's hockey team suffers a melt down that will bring the team back together as a contender again. (I look forward to playing with them after my vacation.)

I hope everyone is doing good and I look forward to sharing pictures with you of whales, eagles, and icebergs. (And that's just from the buffet of the ship!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hang with you guys after your vacation and to hear all about it. Enjoy
